Ageism: A Multi-National, Interdisciplinary Perspective

COST IS1402Project: Ageism: A Multi-National, Interdisciplinary PerspectiveChair: Liat AyalonStart date: 2014-11-19, End date: 2018-11-18 Objectives: The aim of this Action proposal is to enhance scientific knowledge and attention to the topic of ageism by integrating the different disciplines and schools of thought, by developing collaborations with public policy officials, non-academic professionals, civil society NGOs and older adults, by stimulating scientific and public interest, and by developing a new generation of researchers in the field. This Action proposal is not intended to embark on new data collection efforts, but rather to consolidate and harmonize existing measures and empirical evidence in the field in order to generate new directions and collaborations for research and practice. Expected deliverables include: a) the creation of an internet-based web-site; This web-site will not only serve as the "working platform" for this Action proposal, but will become a scientific "hub" for the study of ageism, by sharing and publishing knowledge, connecting researchers and activists in the field, and serving as the host for the "Depository" described in section b; b) a depository database of scientific measures and tools for the assessment of ageism as well as for evidence based interventions (good practices) and public actions that target ageism. Policy reports and non-scientific contents adapted for non-specialized audiences will be posted in order to make links outside the research community; c) the facilitation of scientific Training Schools (TS) for early stage researchers (ESR) and more established Action researchers, Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) for ESR, public conferences that host experts from COST and non-COST countries and local workshops organized by Action members in an attempt to address local stakeholders; and d) collaborative recommendation papers derived from WGs, scientific reports, proceedings, academic publications, recommendation papers and an edited book on ageism.Abstract: Ageism (i.e., the complex and often negative social construction of old age) is highly prevalent. There is unequivocal evidence concerning the negative consequences associated with ageism at the individual, familial, and societal levels. The long term goal of this Action proposal is to challenge the practice of ageism and allow older people to realize their full potential. This will be achieved by enhancing scientific knowledge and attention to ageism, by bringing together and integrating the different disciplines of research, by developing national, multi-national and international collaborations with public policy officials, non-academic professionals, civil society NGOs and older persons, and by fostering a new generation of researchers. Expected deliverables include: a) the creation of a web-site; b) a depository database of scientific measures and evidence based interventions that target ageism; c) the facilitation of scientific Training Schools, Short Term Scientific Missions and conferences; and d) the dissemination of collaborative working papers, scientific reports, proceedings, academic publications, policy and recommendation papers and an edited book on ageism. In light of the changing demographics, the high prevalence of ageism, its complex social roots, broad consequences, and the limited research on the topic, this Action proposal is timely and has both practical and scientific significance.Keywords: discrimination, prejudice, human rights, ageism, older adultsWorking GroupsWG1 Healthcare systemWG2 Judicial-legal systemWG3 The mediaWG4 The workforceWG5 Internalized age stereotypes

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