SERIE DOCUMENTAL: El Siglo del Pueblo, 1900-1999DOCUMENTAL: El poder del puebloPRODUCTORA: BBC y WGBH/BOSTONDIRECTOR: M. WhithyAÑO: 1995DURACIÓN: 53 minutos 

Esta magnífica serie permite conocer los principales acontecimientos de la historia del siglo XX a través de sus protagonistas. Como principal atractivo, la serie incorpora unidades didácticas, en las que se incluyen una lección general, un pequeño cuestionario y actividades que trabajan temas concretos que aparecen en los documentales. Cada lección comienza con una entrevista, de la que se facilita su transcripción y que puede servir de fuente primaria para el estudio de un tema.

On November 9, 1989, East Germans mobbed the frontier posts that divided Communist East Berlin from the West. Although less than thirty years old, the Berlin Wall already seemed an ageless and enduring symbol of the old regime. Now, it stood breached -- demolished by the people who challenged the Party that claimed to rule in their name. For hospital worker Mike Fröhnel, it was a dream come true: "I wanted to really savor the moment. I looked down and took one step, and then another and I was over it. I was about that much over the white line, and suddenly it was too much. The wall, I had overcome this monster, this snake of a wall."

Material didáctico 1  Material didáctico 2 

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