Ideas in the History of Economic Development: The Case of Peripheral Countries

Edited By Estrella Trincado, Andrés Lazzarini, Denis Melnik

Edition 1st Edition, First Published 2019, eBook Published 5 August 2019

Pub. Location London, Imprint Routledge


Pages 306 pages, eBook ISBN9780429270505


This edited volume examines the relationship between economic ideas, economic policies and development institutions, analysing the cases of 11 peripheral countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

It sheds light on the obstacles that have prevented the sustained economic growth of these countries and examines the origins of national and regional approaches to development. The chapters present a fascinating insight into the ideas and visions in the different locations, with the overarching categories of economic nationalism and economic liberalism and how they have influenced development outcomes.

This book will be valuable reading for advanced students and researchers of development economics, the history of economic thought and economic history.

Table of Contents

Estrella Trincado, Andrés Lazzarini and Denis Melnik

Part I


1 Degrees of abstraction in development economics

Vladimir Avtonomov

2 Debates on Development in the Spanish economy, 1848-1960

Elena Gallego and Estrella Trincado

3 Development economics in Portugal

Carlos Bastien and Ana Bela Nunes

4 Italian economists, paradigmatic revolutions and development issues in Italy in the last quarter of the nineteenth century

Simona Pisanelli

5 Soviet development model: A history of interpretations

Denis Melnik

6 Development issues in the Economic Thought of the European Periphery: The Case of Bulgaria from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century

Pencho D. Pechev

Part II


7 Chinese debates on economic development in the 1920s-1940s

Olga Borokh

8 ‘Old’ Chinese debates on economic development: Not only Chinese, and not so old

Clara García

9 Indian Nationalism: Asian context, interwar years and Nehruvian Statebuilding

Manuel Gonzalo and Eduardo Crespo

10 Economic Development and Economics in Japan, 1870-1940

Jou Ishii

Part III

Latin America

11 From Developmentalism to Neoliberalism in Latin America

Matías Vernengo

12 Redistribution, Growth, Structural Change and Dollarization: Understanding Ecuadorian perspectives
Marco Missaglia

13 The Politics of Economic Development: Latin America Through the Eyes of Albert O. Hirschman

Andrés M. Guiot-Isaac

14 An Alternative Demand-Led, Structuralist Interpretation of the Economic ‘Golden Era’ in Argentina (1870-1930)

Fabián Amico and Numa Mazat

15 The rise and fall of economic development preoccupations in Argentina and the turn toward neoliberalism in the 1970s

Andrés Lazzarini and Gabriel Brondino

16 The place of institutions in Latin American development: From Prebisch to Dependency Theory and beyond

Roberto Lampa


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