Jerònia Pons y Robin Pearson (eds.), Risk and the Insurance Business in History

Jerònia Pons y Robin Pearson (eds.) (2020), Risk and the Insurance Business in History, Madrid, Fundación Mapfre, 290 pp., ISBN: 978-84-9844-753-8.

En este libro se recogen unaparte de las investigaciones  presentadas en el Congreso "The Riskand the Insurance Business in History", celebrado entre el 11 y 14 dejunio de 2019, en Sevilla, organizado por la Universidad Internacional deAndalucía.

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In June 2019 the first world congress on “Riskand the Insurance Business in History” was convened in Seville. The organisersbelieved that this field of history had finally reached a critical mass of scholars and experts who would benefit fromparticipating in a large conference that could generate new intellectualsynergies. The essays inthis volume, selected from the contributions to this conference, are illustrativeof some of the best new research in the field, the variety of itsmethodological approaches and its broad geographical scope. Two essays explore,respectively, the issues confronting British and US life insurers trying tounderwrite lives in foreign and colonial contexts during the nineteenthcentury. Two case studies of Canada and Switzerland examine fire and casualtyinsurance and state regulation in the long nineteenth century. Other essaysexamine the long-run impact of regulation on insurance markets and insurance industry andregulator responses to modern financial crises in Spain, France, Sweden, SouthAfrica and the United States.

Summary: List of Figures andTables -- Acknowledgements -- Abstracts -- List of Contributors -- Chapter 1.Risk and the Insurance Business in History: An Introduction -- Chapter 2.Taxing Journeys: British Life Insurance and the White Man's Burden, 1840-1914-- Chapter 3. Agents, Regulations, and Scandals: US Life Insurance Companies inLate-Nineteenth-Century Latin America -- Chapter 4. Risk in Fire Insurance Lawas an Empowerment Tool for the State during the Construction of Colonial Canada-- Chapter 5. Markets Created and Destroyed by the State: Casualty Insuranceand the Experience of the Zurich Insurance Company 1850-1914 -- Chapter 6.Insurance and Regulation Modes in France and Spain from the End of theNineteenth Century until the End of World War Two -- Chapter 7. SwedishInsurance Institutions and Efficiency 1920-1980 -- Chapter 8. Regulatory Over-Reactionto the Global Financial Crisis: Insurance Regulation in South Africa -- Chapter9. Regulators and Valuation. Decoupling Insurance Assets from Market Pressurein Financial Crisis -- Chapter 10. Bancassurance at the Heights: TheBanesto-Luyefe Case (1879-1993) -- Abbreviations of archive repositories -Bibliography -- Index.

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